Saturday, March 6, 2010

Positive Affirmations

Did you make any "New Years Resolutions" this year?

I didn't make any "New Years Resolutions".  I never do.

Not because I don't have any goals but because I don't want to disappoint myself by saying I'm going to do something and then only do it for a couple of weeks.

Instead, I've decided this year, that every new day will be a "new day resolution".  I will live day by day...and that first day of January I decided that I would finally read twice daily my positive affirmations....and every day thereafter.

For years I was told to read my positive affirmations at least twice daily by men and women who were very successful and now, years later, a couple of them are millionaires!  I first encountered this "affirmations" concept at WFG - World Financial Group.  I hope he doesn't mind me naming him, but I remember Dan Charlier, a tall, handsome Hatian man, saying that he has his positive affirmations posted on his mirror in his bathroom and every morning as he would start his day, there they were staring him in the face and he had no choice but to read them.

If you were like me years ago, I didn't understand what they meant by "read your positive affirmations twice daily".

Affirmation described in the dictionary is something declared to be true; a positive statement or judgement.
So I did it...I wrote down what I declared to be true, what I am to be.  I have not posted them on my mirror yet but I do read them.  It is a habit you need to create and I am still trying to remember to read them twice daily but I will say this, when I remember while I'm doing dishes, I say them right then and there without reading them because I know what it is I declare to be.

Now, it's not enough to just write down your affirmations and read them.  You have to mean what you say. You have to declare as you read!

Below are some examples of my positive affirmations:
I am positive, I am loving, I am happy, I am blessed, I am creative, I am beautiful, I am a loving mom, I am forgiving...

These are just examples.  Everyone has different goals in life so you write your affirmations to pertain to your goals and your affirmations will change as life goes on.

You may want to be a great leader, or an awesome writer, or a respected teacher.  It's up to you but I encourage everyone to write down their affirmations and read them daily.  I know for me they help me "be" the person I strive to be daily and I have a more positive day when I do read them.

If you already have your positive affirmations written down and read them, we would love to hear about the impact it makes in your life.  Thank you


This girl is the perfect example of how we should be...too cute. Click here

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